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Welcome Address
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Distinguished Guests, Advisors, and Dearest Delegates, 


I wish you all a convivial welcome on the behalf of the Dais and Secretariat, intending to foster young brilliant minds amidst the 6th edition of ISMMUN. Destiny has brought us into one building again, and intellect unites us far more. This conference will allow students the opportunity to sample a wide variety of topics and develop skills necessary in this global era. Students will engage together throughout the conference, creating an environment of shared planning and decision-making. Indian School Muscat believes in the power of Model United Nations to inform, inspire, and motivate its participants to action in support of the friendly relations between states, based on the respect of the equality principle and on the communities self-determination.


My first ISMMUN experience had me starstruck with the unfamiliar environment of the diplomatic world. Gradually, It had me fascinated to see a colossal bunch of magnanimous and talented students that can change the face of the globe. There will be points where you would be overwhelmed by its grandiosity, but at the same time, it will ignite a joyful blaze in your hearts. Awards may be few, but the memories will be infinite. 


Becoming the Secretary-General of ISMMUN 2022 was nothing less than a dream. There is nothing more soul-stirring than passing on a zealous legacy and creating new ones. And thus, it makes this conference far more unimaginably paramount. The secretariat welcomes each one of you to join our journey towards creating a new awe-inspiring masterpience.


“All glory takes daring to begin” - Eugene F. Ware

All The Best!



Ann Elza Monica 



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Greetings delegates!!!

Mun is a platform where each one of y'all are not just delegates of different countries but the leaders of tomorrow.I am Shlok Sheth, the Director General of ISMMUN2022 and it is my proud privilege to welcome y'all to one of the most enthralling events that our school has to offer, the ISMMUN.I started my journey back in 2019 as the Delegate of Saudi Arabia in UNODC.Being my first mun I was a nervous wreck which is completely normal but gradually as the session went on I actively participated in the debates and it was an amazing experience that showcased another perspective of thinking about the world.In my second MUN conference in 2020 which was a virtual one I was the delegate of Brazil in ECOFIN and this time around I gave it my all and this helped me back the Honourable Mention award.For my third MUN which was again a virtual one, it was an honour to serve as the Crisis Director of HCC.Mun not only prepares you for those 2 days rather builds up your confidence and public speaking skills.More than the awards it is the experience that is valuable and that is what makes each one of y'all a better delegate for future conferences. The preparation for an MUN begins as soon as you register for it. Regardless of the country that you receive give it your all and your hardwork will surely pay off.Along with this make sure to take along with you some unforgettable memories because at the end of the day thats what counts!!!

Happy MUNing 
Signing off,
The Director General 
Shlok Sheth.

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Greetings distinguished delegates!


My name is Johan Walter Furtado and I will be serving as The Director of Finance for ISMMUN 2022. I was fortunate enough to be a part of ISMMUN’s UNICEF committee when I was The Delegate of Turkey and EU when I was The Delegate of Greece. I also served as The Director of UNHRC for ISMMUN 2021.

My first ISMMUN back in 2019 was quite nerve-racking. Initially, I had kept quiet and didn’t get involved in much of the policymaking. However, after seeing so many people contributing, I gathered some confidence and spoke up. This was a turning point for me, as after this, I kept challenging delegates and started debating more frequently.

For me, the best part of an ISMMMUN is the different people you meet. I am always fascinated to see the amount of potential and debating skills in each person, every time I am a part of an MUN. I’m confident that I will see more of the same this year from all of you.

From my MUN experience, I would advise you not to be nervous or afraid. If you have done your research, there is nothing to fear. You need to speak with confidence and participate as much as you can, throughout the session.

I assure you that this year’s conference will be completely worth it and I hope you will make the most of your MUN journey this year. Once again, welcome to all of you!


Happy MUNing!

Signing off,

The Director of Finance

Johan Walter Furtado

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