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Jheel Thanki


Greetings delegates!

A warm welcome to the African Union! I, Jheel Thanki, am delighted and honoured to be serving as your Director for ISMMUN 2022.
My MUN journey began with ISMMUN 2019, as a delegate in ECOFIN, where I was awarded Best Position Paper. It was here that I listened and observed from the sidelines, learning so much and striving to come back stronger and better prepared. In UNSC the following year, I managed to win the Distinguished Delegate award and in ISMMUN 2021, I was given the privilege of acting as the Assistant Director of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
The beauty of MUN lies in the fact that it teaches you something new with every experience. There’s always that initial nervousness and apprehension, but once the gavel sounds and committee session begins, the invigorating atmosphere of debate will, in itself, find you wanting to speak up and make decisions that might just change the world. In the end, just give it your all, and I can guarantee you an experience of a lifetime.
Happy MUNing!

Chandrika Singh

Assistant Director


This is my third ISM MUN. My first MUN was in the year 2020. I was the delegate of Brazil to the UNHRC committee. I was shy and spoke very little. But this experience was not a failure. It taught me many ways to research, debate and speak. I was awarded the Best Position Paper.

The next year I represented Russia in the UNSC committee. This time I not only researched about my country but other countries too. I was sure I would do well in this MUN. I spoke on both days of the conference. I did not win any award but my knowledge increased and I became very confident too.

I am very much looking forward to this year’s MUN and hope it is going to be a memorable experience!

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